overcoming self-doubt
Someone once told me that being a business coach was a waste of my talent. Anyone can become a coach these days.
Isn’t it fascinating how easy it is to become fixated on a single negative remark and to doubt ourselves?
Sometimes a single comment is enough to completely change someone’s career or life trajectory.
According to Harvard Business Review, The Ideal Praise-to-Criticism Ratio (Zenger and Folkman, 2013), “both negative and positive feedback have their place and their time.”
Negative feedback has the value of grabbing someone’s attention. And though it’s most useful for inappropriate behavior or when “someone is failing to do something they should be doing,” it is ultimately only positive feedback that “can motivate people to continue doing what they’re doing well, and do it with more vigor, determination, and creativity.”
When it comes to praise and criticism in leadership, the ideal ratio of positive and negative comments is 5 positive comments to every negative one.
Helping people find the courage to elevate their lives, to think outside the box, and to make bold moves to pursue their ideas, dreams, and passions is what I love to do. My clients remind me that coaching is anything but a waste of my talent. It is my purpose: to inspire people to do the unthinkable with their lives.
To live their truth.
To dare to take chances.
To dare to fail.
To dare to grow.
To motivate people to make their ideas, dreams, and visions for their lives happen.
What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?